Burnout and depression cause a lot of doubts and existential questions, which are very difficult to answer when one is stuck in his suffering. This is why, I have drawn up a list of books which have given me a lot of support during difficult phases.

First of all, it is important to remember that a burnout is not an event that happens to us by chance. It happens when we need change most in our lives, whether we are aware of it or not.

Self-awareness and awareness

After the burnout and depression crisis, self-awareness and awareness are generally phases that we go through, without knowing how to navigate. The search for information then becomes a need or even an obligation, in order to better understand what is happening in us and to understand how the world around us works.



From my inner discomfort caused by burnout and the exploration of my own limits, there arose an awakening of consciousness which started in October 2016. Beginning with the exploration of what is happening in me, my behaviors, my beliefs, how the emotional, mental, physical and finally spiritual body works, my burnout was the event that put me on the track of a much bigger reality than I ever suspected.

From a human development perspective, many of us move forward in life without knowing what Self Love is, devoid of self-esteem and without healthy limits for ourselves and for others. Since self-esteem and self-respect are not values ​​taught at school, we navigate life, often oblivious to our value and lacking benchmarks for living fulfilled lives.

The search for truth

The search for information and the search for truth led me to do many readings, to discover works of personal development and documentation on the conscience to satisfy a deep need for understanding on the functioning of the human being. Books, documentaries and people naturally came to me through synchronicities or particular situations, which allowed me to open up to the reality of our individual behaviors and the reality of the structure of our world.

This is why today, in a desire to share and to contribute to the awakening of our consciences, to grow is to come out of unconsciousness, I make available my discoveries, books, videos, documentaries which will allow you i hope to better understand your inner world, but also our world and its energies. Because everything is ultimately linked.

Happy reading and great discoveries to all…



These books are cited in the order in which they came to me. Certain subjects are complex to grasp, this is why I advise to gradually go into the discovery of certain authors. It is useful to have already understood certain important concepts before embarking on reading great works.

Cependant, pour le choix juste du livre opportun à lire (celui qui vous apportera une évolution personnelle), la meilleure manière est de vous fier à votre intuition et de faire votre choix en fonction de votre ressenti. Il n’y a rien de tel que notre intuition pour nous guider et faire les bons choix en conscience.

1. Mange, Prie, Aime – Elizabeth Gilbert

Prise dans le travail, débordée jusqu’au coup, désespérée de sourire à nouveau à la vie, j’ai lu ce livre sous le conseil d’un ami. C’est là que j’ai compris que j’allais mal et qu’il fallait que je fasse quelque chose pour changer cela.

Obtenir le livre “Mange, Prie, Aime”


2. Je dis (enfin) STOP à la pression ! – Isabelle Pailleau et Audrey Akoun

Autant dire que ce livre a été pour moi une révélation. En plein burnout, j’ai commencé à comprendre les origines du stress et de la pression que l’on laisse entrer progressivement dans notre vie. Une belle introspection pour apprendre à faire attention à soi et repéré les pièges dans lesquels nous tombons. A LIRE ABSOLUMENT.

Obtenir le livre “Je dis (enfin) STOP à la pression !”


3. La Prophétie des Andes (Et si les coïncidences révélaient le sens de la vie ?) – James Redfield

Selon notre niveau de conscience, ce livre pourra être lu de différentes manières. Il est un magnifique parallèle à la réalité de notre monde, à travers une histoire palpitante et pleine d’intrigue.

Obtenir le livre “La Prophétie des Andes


4.  The 4 Toltec Agreements  – Don Miguel Ruiz

Don Miguel Ruiz is a Mexican author, teacher shaman, born in 1952. His work Les quatre accords toltèques is a bestseller in the personal development literature. His book is not limited to simple personal development, it exposes realities of our world and a very spiritual vision of the meaning of life. He simply exposes the truth to us from his own eyes.

Get the book “Les 4 Accords Toltèques


5.  The Fifth Toltec Accord  – Don Miguel Ruiz

Get the book “Le Cinquième Accord Toltèque


6.  The Mastery of Love  – Don Miguel Ruiz

Get the book “The Mastery of Love”


7.  The Five Wounds That Prevent You From Being Yourself  (The 5 Wounds of the Soul) – Lise Bourbeau

If there is one book that must be READ BY ALL, this is it! If we received these teachings at school, our world would be a much better place where we would understand the wounds of others. All of our suffering comes from  five  basic wounds : rejection, abandonment, humiliation, betrayal and injustice.


Get the book “The Five Wounds That Prevent You From Being Yourself


8.  The Power of the Present Moment  – Eckhart Tolle

Get the book The Power of the Present Moment

This work is one of the greatest books of all time, many people agree on this fact. If you want to learn how our mind works, and how to find a state of presence, this book will help you understand why it is essential to live in the present moment, and to integrate the concepts of “body of suffering”, “psychological future “,” presence “. This book was for me a breath of air on the surface of the tormented waters of my life.



The Tistrya channel on Youtube and all its documentaries informs us on fascinating subjects such as Consciousness, the functioning of thought, the origins of humanity, Healing your fears, the Way to Happiness, Introduction to hypnosis, the Voice of the soul, Self-acceptance, Expansion of consciousness, the Energies that surround us … It is an immeasurable source of information and value with diverse and varied stakeholders. When choosing a documentary to watch, I advise you to let yourself be guided by your intuition, and to choose according to the subject that resonates most with you at this precise moment. Expansion of horizons guaranteed!

Tistrya Channel –  The Power of Intention (Documentary) – click on the title

Are we responsible for our life? What is chance? How are we the unconscious cause of what is happening to us? How can our thoughts, beliefs and conditioning have the slightest effect on reality? What is the true nature of our consciousness?

Tistrya Channel – Renaître (Documentaire) – click on the title

“Renaître” “is a documentary on the management of our fears, our blockages, and our family conditioning. Through coaches, educators, psychologists, and athletes, the idea is to discover how they were able to overcome their fears and reconnect to their intuitions and their dreams.

Tistrya Channel –  In Consciousness (Documentary) – click on the title



Laura Marie –  The Love of Self

Laura Marie –  Are you an “Indigo Child”? 18 characteristics of Indigo


Stay connected friends, I’m preparing more sources of information for you (videos, documentaries, movies, channels).




Find my book for sale on Amazon:

“From Burnout to Digital Nomad: How to Make Depression a Powerful Tool for Transformation”